Monday, September 1, 2008

6 Things

I’ve Been Tagged by Jessica

The Rules

Link the person who Tagged you

Mention the rules on your blog

Tell about 6 quirks of yours

Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same

Leave a comment to let them know

I TAG Jennifer, Ashley, Rachel, Hollie, Melissa, and Brooke


1.       I am obsessed with sports.  It actually is more like an addiction, but I truly can’t get enough.  Whether it’s the Olympics or professional sports it doesn’t matter.  I am fortunate to have the baseball and football package at my house so I never have to miss a Yankee or Raiders game.  In the event that I do have plans when they are on I have my trusty phone to keep me updated to the minute.  I usually watch Sports Center at least twice a day and check ESPN’s website daily because you never know when someone gets traded and injured and I have to keep up on that stuff.

2.       I love scary movies.  This is something that me and Jessica definitely don’t have in common!!! She hates them, but luckily I have a good friend Lori that loves them as much as I do.  I am always over at her housing watching the latest horror movie.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a slasher flick, ghost story, or zombie movie.  I love them all. 

3.      I am the worst at telling time.  Jessica and I have had some issues with this in the past and so now I just don’t even wear a watch.  When I used to wear one it was strictly for fashion… usually didn’t even have the right time anyways.  If by chance I had set it to current time and someone asked what the time was I would just hold up my watch and let them figure it out because I wasn’t about to do it.  Thank goodness for cell phones.

4.      I love new music.  I am always getting new music from other people or trading cd’s with them.  I like to make people cd mixes and imixes.  I put a lot of time an effort into my mixes.  I don’t just throw a bunch of stuff on there.  I really think about where I want each song to go.  If you have been my friend for more than a couple of years I am sure that you have at least one of my mixes in your possession.

5.      I like to watch movies on Closed Captioning. When I used to have a room next to my parents they were always yelling at me to turn down my t.v. so I started watching it on CC and it just kinda stuck.  For the most part I will watch it without, but if I’m having a hard time understanding what a person is saying I will just turn on the CC and the problem is solved.

6.      I have no sense of direction.  I know my left and right (unlike Jodi), but I haven’t quite figured out the whole North, South, East, West thing.  Looking at a map I can figure it out because up is always North and so forth.  But when I am in a situation with no map, I tend to struggle.  My family all make fun of me because whatever direction I am heading I say is North.  I know it’s not right I just haven’t quite trained myself how to do it correctly.  Even with the mountains!!



Jodi said...

Hey, I am getting better at Left and Right!!! I like North and South better cause it never changes. If I need to turn East and miss it, when I get turned around I still will turn East.

Jodi said...

Oh I guess the fact that my car tells me North and South helps too! I wish it would tell me Left and Right!

Ashley ;o) said...

Ya know... we have a lot of things in common!! I'm totally with you on 2, 3, 4, and 6. I'm working on doing it... but its kind of hard to think of things. ;o)

Oh... and just ask Natalie how many times I got us lost or going in the wrong direction in Arizona. ;) But AZ was lots of fun! I watched Cam for a whole day... from 7 AM to 9 PM. And WOW... I was so exhausted the next day! I don't know how mom's do it. ;o)

We need to get together... seriously! Let's plan a dinner or something... with Pej and whoever else.

Smiley0709 said...

Hey girlee girl!! How are you? No concerts on the horizon, so thought i'd drop you a line. How are ya? I've known you more than 2 years and I don't have one of your mixes yet... What's up with that? ;) I think we share the same passion for music and our mixes :) i'm the same way, I love making mixes for people too.. But I hate those scary movies!! As we always say, we need to get togther and do lunch or dinner or something!

Jeremy and Kristin Colter said...

Shelly those are hilarious! I never knew those things about you! But like I have to tell my sister (she is 30 and still cant tell where East and West are) Mountains are East and Salt Lake is South just remember that they start with S and it is easy to know where you are going! Hope you have fun in Brazil, be safe and take lots of pictures!