I’ve Been Tagged by Jessica
The Rules
Link the person who Tagged you
Mention the rules on your blog
Tell about 6 quirks of yours
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same
Leave a comment to let them know
I TAG Jennifer, Ashley, Rachel, Hollie, Melissa, and Brooke
1. I am obsessed with sports. It actually is more like an addiction, but I truly can’t get enough. Whether it’s the Olympics or professional sports it doesn’t matter. I am fortunate to have the baseball and football package at my house so I never have to miss a Yankee or Raiders game. In the event that I do have plans when they are on I have my trusty phone to keep me updated to the minute. I usually watch Sports Center at least twice a day and check ESPN’s website daily because you never know when someone gets traded and injured and I have to keep up on that stuff.
2. I love scary movies. This is something that me and Jessica definitely don’t have in common!!! She hates them, but luckily I have a good friend Lori that loves them as much as I do. I am always over at her housing watching the latest horror movie. It doesn’t matter if it’s a slasher flick, ghost story, or zombie movie. I love them all.
3. I am the worst at telling time. Jessica and I have had some issues with this in the past and so now I just don’t even wear a watch. When I used to wear one it was strictly for fashion…..it usually didn’t even have the right time anyways. If by chance I had set it to current time and someone asked what the time was I would just hold up my watch and let them figure it out because I wasn’t about to do it. Thank goodness for cell phones.
4. I love new music. I am always getting new music from other people or trading cd’s with them. I like to make people cd mixes and imixes. I put a lot of time an effort into my mixes. I don’t just throw a bunch of stuff on there. I really think about where I want each song to go. If you have been my friend for more than a couple of years I am sure that you have at least one of my mixes in your possession.
5. I like to watch movies on Closed Captioning. When I used to have a room next to my parents they were always yelling at me to turn down my t.v. so I started watching it on CC and it just kinda stuck. For the most part I will watch it without, but if I’m having a hard time understanding what a person is saying I will just turn on the CC and the problem is solved.
6. I have no sense of direction. I know my left and right (unlike Jodi), but I haven’t quite figured out the whole North, South, East, West thing. Looking at a map I can figure it out because up is always North and so forth. But when I am in a situation with no map, I tend to struggle. My family all make fun of me because whatever direction I am heading I say is North. I know it’s not right I just haven’t quite trained myself how to do it correctly. Even with the mountains!!